
29 Mar 2013

Rowing in Cambridge

Cambridge is famous for many different things. Its history, its buildings and its university attract people from all over the world, but there is another important part of life in Cambridge that we haven’t mentioned; rowing. There are a lot of races that take place in Cambridge, on the river Cam, but the most famous race in Britain is The Boat Race, which has been running since 1829.
The race itself involves two crews of eight rowers and one person to steer the boat, called a Coxwain or ‘Cox’, one from Oxford University and one from Cambridge. They race side-by-side on a 6.8km course on the river Thames, in London. It takes place in March, this year on the 31st, and hundreds of people go to London and stand along the river to watch. Thousands of people all over the country also watch the race on the television. Cheering on either the light blues (Cambridge) or the dark blues (Oxford). Now all you need to do is decide who to support. (Bell English).

 Watch The Boat Race live BBC One from 15.15 BST on Sunday 31 March.

 To find out more about The Boat Race, have a look at the official website here: http://theboatrace.org/

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