
25 Oct 2013


Here you have some activities about Halloween. This is an interesting book with great material.


And more activities in this fantastic blog: English Teacher

8 Oct 2013

Project EPG (European Profiling Grid for language teachers, EPG)

The main objective of this project is to help improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching foreign languages ​​through the "Grill language teacher profile" .

This grill is intended to be an innovative, valid and reliable for quality improvement and professional development of teachers of foreign languages. The advantages that can benefit teachers, academic managers and trainers of different institutions and organizations that impart language classes will include:

  •     Compare qualifications of foreign language teachers internationally.
  •     Define tiered objectives ongoing training colleges.
  •     To facilitate the selection of teachers with an evaluation system that promotes seamless mobility.
  •     Detect training needs.
  •     Having reliable measures and self- assessment of professional skills of the teacher.
  •     Providing a tool for teachers, trainers, academic managers and human resources departments.
You can read more informatin in this site:  European Profiling Grid