
31 Jan 2013

EdTech Cheat Sheet

What do you know about new technologies in the classroom? You have here all that you should know, if you want to be a good NTIC teacher.

EdTech Cheat Sheet

26 Jan 2013

A Galician way of life

This is a new video about Galicia. If you watch it, you will learn more about our local food, wine and the best seafood (barnacles, clams, oysters...). One person says in this video: all is beautiful here, and this is true! Why don't you come to Galicia this summer? You can read more about us in
Telegraph's Galicia homepage

25 Jan 2013

English Pronunciation Online

You can find out in this blog the best links that you need to study English and improve your pronunciation and listening skills level in this language. It is created  by Elena de Prada Creo, an English teacher in University of Vigo (Galicia, Spain).

English Pronunciation Online

18 Jan 2013

Gardening: Art and Science

Do you enjoy gardening? Check out this page and learn new vocabulary about flowers or carnivorous plants.

Science of Gardening 


16 Jan 2013

Galicia, my community in Spain

This video is about Galicia, my community in Spain. You can watch our main cities and the most important tourist centers. Enjoy it and come here!

Typical Spanish

Today, I make a break to talk about my country. Do you know something about Spain? Are you agree with the vision about Spain in this video? I don't agree with the video because I am from Galicia, in Spain too, and there are only one image of Galicia in this two minutes. This image is the fantastic Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, but we have more interesting places in Galicia. Spain is not only sun, beach and party. You should come to Galicia, in the northwest, and enjoy our food, seafood, wine, nature, green land... Do you know more?

14 Jan 2013

Blogathon 2013

Are you from Russia, Croatia, Israel, Uzbekistan or Armenia? If you feel like sharing your ELT experience with teachers from these countries, if you feel the need to express yourself and you love writing about your work, students and professional development, the British Council Teaching English website is the place for you! You can learn the way to make a good Blog in English language.This is online.

Blogathon 2013

12 Jan 2013

11 Jan 2013

From Galician to English

Galicia have a new project. On the Web Portico of Galician Literature, some of the most important Galician authors are translated into English. You can enjoy our literature too.

Portico of Galician Literature

10 Jan 2013

Who Am I? A History Mystery

This is a fun play which presents players with six historical characters that they have to identify using the text and image clues provided. You can found more information in this page The Price of Freedom

Who Am I? A History Mystery

8 Jan 2013

Project Gutenberg

Amazing! Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You can read in English and other languages.

7 Jan 2013


A new application for learning English, Spanish, Portuguese...
